Forced Labour for Jews Secret Order of the President of the Labour Exchange and Unemployment Insurance, 20 December 1938 Source: H. Mommsen & S. Willems Herrschaftsalltag im Dritten Reich , (Duesseldorf 1988) pp. 439-40. According to reports, the number of unemployed Jews has grown extensively. The State has no intention whatsoever of not utilising the labour force of those Jews who are fit for work, and certainly does not intend to have these Jews be supported by public funds without them doing anything in return. One should strive to engage all the unemployed Jews who are fit for work as soon as possible so that German labour forces will be released to work in pressing and politically sensitive enterprises of the state. They should be employed in factories, maintenance, construction etc., segregated from the others. The labour exchange offices should therefore apply to the private and public companies in their regions to list such positions. It should be made clear that no business or organisation will suffer because it employs Jews. This order applies to Jews who are German subject or stateless (article 5 of the First Regulation of 14 November 1935 to the Reich Citizenship Law…) and who are fit for work. For the purpose of creating suitable employment for Jews in public enterprises, I have also contacted the appropriate agencies of the Reich. At the same time I have asked the Reich Minister of Economy and the Reich Minister for Food Supply to make it clear to the private enterprises that the employment of Jews is urgent and that they should prepare such jobs. The Plenipotentiary for the Four-Year-Plan, Generalfeldmarschall Goering gave full approval to this order. I have requested the Deputy Fuehrer to inform the party agencies and branches about this instruction.